Persequor makes software and hardware for logistics tracking and supply chain analysis across land, sea, and air. Their solutions are used by ports, airports and shipping companies around the globe.

The company asked me to produce a set of icons to visualize the many processes involved in the journey of products and goods as they make their way from their point of origin to the customer – from sourcing/production, testing, scanning and storage to loading, shipping, customs/taxation and endpoint delivery.

Persequor was looking for a “building block” approach to the iconography with a high level of uniformity that would make icons easy to connect together in a process flowchart, as well as provide a level of detail that would still make them look good when blown up in Powerpoint presentations.

Persequor were very happy with the output. As a result I ended up producing nearly 300 icons.

All icons were created in Adobe Illustrator. The examples below are owned by Persequor and shown with permission.





