Heroes & Generals is a Free-to-Play MMO FPS/RTS game with more than 22 million registered players. It has been running since 2016 (with an open beta in 2014). Set in World War II, it has a unique selling point in the form of a first person shooter and strategy game working in tandem. Players fighting in the FPS are deployed by commanders in the strategy game who also supply the resources for the FPS in the form of troops and vehicles. The game is available on Steam and Epic Games Store.

The game offers six soldier classes across three factions and all players particiate in one grand war for Europe. Every battle takes place in a city, town or airfield on the war map and every battlefield captured brings the player’s faction closer to winning the war, which can often take weeks of fighting in real time. The game offers 85 vehicles and 90 weapons, each with a ton of modifications.

The game emphasizes multi-character gameplay, with every player owning multiple soldiers. Players start out with infantry, and as they progress, unlock tank crewmen, pilots, recons, paratroopers, and finally generals. Generals do not fight on the front lines, but perform their duties in the strategy game where they deploy assault teams consisting of real players on the war map. The game has a production system that churns out vehicles and soldiers at a steady pace and it’s up to generals to keep supply lines open in order to provide players in the FPS with the resources they need.

As the lead UI/UX Designer I am responsible for every nook and cranny of the user flow and sprawling UI, from soldier-, vehicle- and assault team management to progression systems, unlockables, reward systems, purchase workflows, the FPS and vehicle HUD, the strategy game, the deploy system, account management, onboarding and much more. Due to the numerous systems and difficult game balancing, the game has a high information density and a complex set of rules which makes the UI a constant balancing act between catering to new, intermediate and veteran players alike.


News Bulletin





War (strategy game)

Game Mode dialog

Upgrade dialogs

Ribbon dialog

Purchase Assault Team dialog

Battle Report

Daily Reward

Miscellaneous dialogs

FPS: Scoreboard and Resources

FPS: Deployment

Ingame HUD: On Foot


Ingame HUD: Vehicles