Master UI was a project conceived at NDS in 2006 to create a rich, modern TV navigation concept on a low-cost commodity set-top box like the ones NDS already had installed in approximately 110 million homes worldwide.
This project in conjunction with my prior experience in UX for TV was the reason I got hired.

The requirements for the UI stipulated it would have to be unobtrusive, encompass a rich electronic program guide, PVR and VOD capabilities, cross-promotion and seemless navigation between different content sources and rich content metadata with pictures, trailers and actor/cast profiles. It should also come with longer term provisions for extensions such as an app store.

I wrote the design principles, and as part of a design-duo I prototyped, co-designed the UI, wrote the specification and design documents and provided graphical assets.

Above: Video showing off the navigation.

2007_masterui_01Above: The Menu button on the remote control brings up the half-screen overlay UI.

2007_masterui_03Above: The user has entered VOD section and drilled into the content category and genre.

2007_masterui_04Above: The user has selected a movie to watch and the item flips to show available options.

2007_masterui_06Above: A much less obstrusive way to navigate the UI is using the channel banner, which can be brought up by a press single press of the Guide button.

2007_masterui_07Above: The UI was built to be easily malleable and skinnable by our resellers and partners. These are just some example skins to show what can be achieved.

2007_masterui_08Above: …And who doesn’t love cookies?